

Korean Journal of Physical, Multiple & Health Disabilities

Publication Type



Seung Min, Song

Print ISSN


Online ISSN



Quarterly : January, April, June, October 

 Research & Publication Ethics 


The roles and responsibilities of special education researchers and educators are more expansive and comprehensive than ever before. As a field, we have already made great strides in understanding the unique educational needs of children and youths with physical, multiple & health disabilities; however, new challenges and opportunities continually arise in our mission to advance the positive educational and transitional outcomes for this population. The Korean Council of Physical, Multiple & Health Disabilities is committed to proactively developing new knowledge which can be shared with educators, students with disabilities and their families. To accomplish this mission, we welcome you and invite you to join with us by contributing journal publications and/or participating in our conferences; together, we can improve the quality of life for individuals with physical, multiple & health disabilities.

President of KCPMD Mi Hwa, Park